Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Geo Grang Grang Choco and Freshlook Illuminate Review

Hello lovelies! So recently I bought two pairs of circle lenses! It has been forever since I last wore/bought circle lenses/ color lenses. I bought the Freshlook Illuminate Dailies and the Geo Grang Grang Choco lenses. I bought both of these lenses from

So let's get reviewing, shall we?

So this is me with your typical clear contact lenses.

Geo Grang Grang Choco

The Geo Grang Grang's were very comfortable but they were a bit too stark for my taste. The edge of the lenses were a very dark brown/black and it was a bit harsh in my opinion. Maybe if I wore a little more eyeliner and mascara, it wouldn't have looked so alien like. It may also have been that fact that my eyes are already pretty dark brown and the lenses just made my eyes look even darker, so I looked a bit scary without makeup on.

Comfort: 4.5/5
Naturalness: 3/5
Overall: 4/5

 Now onto the Freshlook Illuminates. So I love the way these look! Unfortunately the comfort level on these lenses are up to par. My eyes can get kind of dry during the day and these lenses did not help. I struggled with them this morning right after I put them in. They kept slipping and sliding all over the place. I am currently wearing them as I type up this review and they are starting to strain my eyes a little even though I've only worn them for about 3.5 hours. Despite the discomfort, I love how these lenses look. They give my eyes a subtle definition and are not too harsh. The ring around the edges was a milk chocolate brown color, hence why they were less harsh than the Geos.

Comfort: 2.5/5
Naturalness: 5/5
Overall: 3.5/5

I guess the search shall continue for the perfect circle lens! If you have any suggestions for some natural looking lenses or have any questions, leave a comment and let me know! Don't forget to follow my blog or follow me on social media!


  1. ooh I have this lenses too~! I love how it dolled up your eyes cutely ^^

    1. I forgot how much i loved how circle lenses can make my eyes look haha Are there any other lenses you like? :)
